Help and Healing for Men Struggling with Sexual Brokenness



As first years, we began basiX' with early stepX.
Over the course of 12 sessions (one semester) we discovered God's Paradigm the Galatians 2:20 & Isaiah 40:31 Teaching. Alongside learning how to use the first two diagnostiX:
  1. My Bible Walk
  2. My ABC Walk.
REMEMBER, diagnostiX is the NHE Homework Platform and there are eight diagnostiX in total... and in early stepX we've learned how to use the first two.
We then illustrated God's Paradigm using the Exchanged Life Diagrams.
(NHE's Discipleship basiX' Diagrams or more commonly referred to as the NewHeart Diagrams)
Again, over the course of the following 12 sessions we spent time in God's Word, using the NewHeart Diagrams and Profiles as follows:
  • Profiling God & the Gospel
  • Profiling Humanity 
  • Profiling Your Struggles
  • Profiling Your Victory
Then as First Years we began to look at basiX' 5 P's.
  • Please name the 5 P's in order?
  • Please explain how each defines the Exchanged Life relationship (the Surrendered Life, as Pastor Ron references)...
  • Please illustrate the 5 P's using the NewHeart Diagrams. 
  • Please consider the following questions for discussion:
  • What are basiX' early stepX? (i.e.: define God's Paradigm?)
  • What is the pupose of the first four diagnostiX?:
    • My Bible Walk
    • My ABC Wall
    • My Self Walk
    • My Prayer Walk
  • Be prepared to discuss the following profiles:
    • profile the Exchanged Life with the NewHeart Diagrams
    • profile God's Word & You using the following My Bible Walks:
      • Galatians 2:20
      • Isaiah 40:31
      • 2 Corinthains 5:21
      • Isaiah 61:10
    • profile your flesh using your:
      • ​​​​​​​My ABC Walks
      • My Self Walks
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​profile how Holy Spirit has connected with you using:
      • My Bible Walks
      • My Prayer Walks